Ensayos clínicos de cáncer de cabeza y cuello

Más información

Norton Cancer Institute physicians lead head and neck cancer clinical trials and studies and publish the results of their discoveries in medical journals, advancing the standard of cancer care.

Their work means that when new treatments are approved for broad use, often Norton Cancer Institute physicians already have years of experience with the therapy. Patients who want to take part in clinical trials can be candidates to access new and innovative treatments.

Current Head and Neck Cancer Clinical Trials and Studies

Por qué elegir el Norton Cancer Institute

Más pacientes en Louisville y el sur de Indiana eligen el Norton Cancer Institute que cualquier otro proveedor en el área. Brindamos atención compasiva para la persona en su totalidad, no solo para el cáncer.

Our Norton Cancer Institute oncologists are also researchers and principal investigators, offering patients sophisticated experience in the latest treatments and access to more than 200 clinical trials.

  • Access to more than 100 specialists, including board-certified and fellowship-trained oncologists
  • Multidisciplinary setting, meaning you get the benefit of opinions from multiple specialists across Norton Healthcare and often can schedule appointments for the same day in the same location
  • Immunotherapies such as CAR-T cell therapy, genetic therapies tailored to combat the unique genetic makeup of your cancer and the latest in surgical treatments, chemotherapy and radiotherapy
  • State-of-the-art Norton Cancer Institute Genomics Lab offering highly specialized testing that makes it possible to tailor advanced treatments based on a tumor’s specific genetic composition
  • Robotic-assisted bronchoscopy for minimally invasive lung biopsies that can reach more parts of the lung without major surgery
  • Medicare, Medicaid and most major commercial insurance accepted
  • At Norton Specialty Pharmacy, patients receive regular consultations on their medications and treatment plan, making sure they get their prescriptions quickly and accurately. Our specialty pharmacists collaborate closely with your oncology team.
  • Use your free Norton MyChart account to communicate with your provider, manage appointments, refill prescriptions, get on the wait list for an earlier appointment and more anytime from a mobile device or computer

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